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Meet our Amputee Peers.

When you're facing the prospect of life without a limb, it's often helpful to talk with someone who has been through it. Whether you're a soon-to-be amputee or someone who will be caring for an amputee, our peers know exactly what you will be going through and can help ease your journey every step of the way. Learn more about them here, and then, to connect with one, click the button below.

Amputee Peers
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One day when she was 18, Julia found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time. A car lost control, jumped the curb and pinned her against a tree. Although being an amputee was not in her plan, it has given her the opportunity to build a new plan – one that allows her to help others and to build connections with amputees her age.

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An amputee for the majority of her life as a result of a childhood accident, Sophie discovered early the power of mentorship and community. She is a passionate advocate for disabled women and girls and works tirelessly to build spaces where they have the opportunity and support to embrace their leadership potential and follow their passions.

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For many years, Stephen fought to keep the left leg so badly damaged in a motorcycle accident. In near constant pain and discomfort, he finally had the leg amputated. That was when his new life began -- a life he has embraced with energy and enthusiasm. Today, he's as active as he ever was. He is sure to inspire you! 


Peter knows firsthand how important the advice you receive can be, because he received some himself that was not particularly helpful when he faced the important decision of whether or not to amputate his leg. It has made him especially sensitive to the challenges new and soon-to-be amputees face as they adjust to the their new reality.


Mike's nickname is "Sarge." As you might expect from that, he's a take charge kind of guy who believes that amputees have to be their own strongest advocates if they want to attain their goals for their lives. And he has a lot of practical advice for exactly how to do that that he's ready to share with you.


A motorcycle accident took Tim's leg. But it couldn't touch his spirit. Tim leads an active, physical life, and he enjoys the challenge of overcoming obstacles that others might consider impossible for an amputee. He looks forward to sharing his experiences to inspire other amputees.

AtlanticProCare is the leading provider of prosthetic limbs in Maine, serving patients seeking customized mobility solutions for amputation.


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AtlanticProCare Portland
1274 Congress Street, Portland, Maine 04102
P: 207-774-1002   F: 207-774-9002

Hours: M-F 8:30AM-4:30PM by appointment

© 2024 AtlanticProCare

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